Sunday, February 1, 2009


"From the Gadites there came over to David in the stronghold in the wilderness, mighty men of valor, men trained for war, who could handle shield and spear, and whose faces were like the faces of lions..."

I'm really intrigued by this description.  I always have been, ever since I first read it in the account of David's "mighty men".  I've always thought that's how I wanted to be - someone who approached life (and especially the things of the Lord) with a face like a lion's.  I don't exactly know what that entails, but when I think about the face of a lion, I can imagine that these guys were pretty intense.  Admittedly, it's hard to put into words exactly what this phrase communicates - perhaps I'm misunderstanding it anyway.  But when I think about people approaching life with such ferocity and intensity that they're described as having " the faces of lions", I find something in me wanting to mirror that.  

To the point: the trouble is, I'm pretty sure my face looks more like Hello Kitty than a lion.  

Depressing?  No doubt.  

True?  Undeniably so.  

This is not to negate kindness - I'm thinking Aslan, here.  But I can't deny the embarrassingly strong parallels between a lion/Hello Kitty and who I want to be/who I actually am.  I know I am to function in boldness, intensity, and strength regarding the things of my life - because it's to be a Kingdom life.  But I also know that I oftentimes function in hesitation, worry, and fear.  This is a disservice not only to me (seriously, who really wants to look like Hello Kitty?), but to those around me.  Although I don't plan on hunting and eating any of my friends or family, I do know that to choose Hello Kitty over Lion in the realm of relationship is a lackluster choice at best.  

I don't want to choose this lackluster in my relationships, in my heart, in my prayers, in my life...I want to have a face like a lion.          

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