Monday, June 29, 2009

glory & reality

Sometimes I still can't believe He came.

My time overseas has been marked by a simple but intensely profound revelation -- "in Christ alone". The hymn has been playing over and over again in my mind as I've encountered different people, different nations, and different cultures. And even now, after living the entirety of my life in the reality of the cross, I still can't believe it sometimes -- that Jesus Christ would come to us and make a way to bring us near, embracing the beauty and ugliness that comprises the human existence. It seems unbelievable to me that such an incredible thing has been in the heart of God for all eternity -- to send His Son to die, rise again, and make a way for all people from all places to come to Him. I feel speechless about it, and incredibly blessed to know life under the reality that has been accomplished by Jesus on the cross.

What can I do but determine to make Him known? What other response could I possibly have, than to make known the hope that exists in Him alone? What else could I possibly fight for, other than the freedom that He brings to those who are oppressed by their own sin and the sin of others? There is nothing else worth standing for, nothing else with even a remnant of hope, nothing else with even a dull ring of truth.

In Christ alone.

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